Explaining the importance of Australian natural gas to Australia
- Australian Energy Producers
While there is a lot of talk in the media about Australian natural gas, there is actually very little understanding about what natural gas in used for; for many Australians, natural gas is simply used for cooking. Few Australians appreciate the crucial roles that natural gas plays in their daily lives - much less it's crucial role in helping achieve net zero.
Knowing that understanding is an important precursor to support, INDUSTRIAL evolved the existing 'Keeping the Country Running' campaign to make its messaging clearer and more relevant. So far, we have produced two distinct executions explaining how gas a) is used to generate electricity and b) many Australian manufacturers use natural gas to make products locally.
There are many more stories to be told about the versatility, utility and relevance of natural gas but so far the campaign has delivered demonstrable increases in both the understanding and support for natural gas.